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Rendril Revant
Davida Bellez
Knights Bridge
Stylidium Snapsum
Blavatsky Otsawa
backlash ro




Handy Pockets
Player ID: 136253
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 695
Energetic immunity : 824
Trade sense : 607
Briskness : 749
Initiative : 654
Defence : 9333
Attack : 9002
Power : 560
Luck : 150
Waterhandling : 40
Finesse : 30
Experimentalism : 32
Dowsing : 47
Herbalism : 31
Filtering : 24
Gardening : 25
Volition : 504
Cartography : 38
Mining : 29
*excavation : 14
Woodcutting : 15
Sun God Armour
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Transposition Principle = 4000
Principle of Light = 4000
Principle of Enthropy = 4000
Time Principle = 4000
Principle of Cyclicity = 4000
As she protected the seeds placed in her care, \r\nso shall she protect the citizens of Marind Bell.\r\n
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 6148 | Lost: 6663
Honor: 987
MindPower: 5

Water Dowsers
(Marind Bell)
The oneness of your housing is at 20 %

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Handy Pockets
i wish to speak to Rendril for half an hour

Artist Rendril Revant
My thoughts are hazy as I slowly leave the comfort of my dreams.  I welcome the coolness from the shade of the tree. The air is warm with a gentle breeze. I find the thin ribbon in my pocket to hold my long hair from my eyes. I gaze off into the distance to see if anything looks familiar, nothing, but shades of gray. I don't understand, everywhere I look is new. I take stock of what I have, an inventory, of sorts. When I reach into the strange pocket I find flint, string, a few precious stones (precious to me for I feel happy to see these stones) a small pocket knife and a bandanna. Perhaps bits and pieces of the life I can't remember. I thought nothing again of this pocket until I found a fountain; a cool drink of water would be nice, that is when I knew I could reach into my pocket for the silver cup.

The steady heat from the sun warms me and I do not feel alone. There is a festival of celebrations. With a tour of the prison and its many dark and cold tunnels, a place I hope never to see the inside again, I begin to feel cold. It is only after I emerge again on this gray land that I feel the warmth of the sun. Day and night are the same, there is only sunshine. It occurs to me that I have walked in a circle, and find myself back at the tree. Maybe this is where I "live" I think to myself as I take out my bandanna and lay it on the ground for a place to sleep. I do not think long as sleep beckons me.

 Every day, I wake to the sun's warmth, the music and the many shades of gray. I find the archives and start to read everything I can of this magical place. I copy the Principles onto paper that I find in my pocket, so that I can read them over and over again. I am drawn to one person who helps me with my study of the Principles. Every day I walk for hours to many locations that we pick to study these Principles. Over and over again, I review the different principles. One minute I know what they mean and the next I have lost all. I study feverishly. I begin to see what these principles can do. I start to focus too much on the Principles. I start to lose touch with the sun, music and the gray. It is said "All work and no play leads the mind to stray." I fear, for me this is so. I must go out on my own to find who I may become, perhaps to become stronger so I can study once more.


Completed Berserker's Challenge in MP3, MP4and MP5
Defeated Willow's Guards in MP3, MP4and MP5
Finished the Labyrinth in top 50
Defeated the Loreroot Guards at MP4 and MP5

Day 159 Year 5
KnightsBard presented me with  a crystal flower, the scent of which reminds people of many different flowers

Day 325 Year 4
: StrongWilled Legna giggles as she spots Handy Pockets sleepying
: StrongWilled Legna takes out a purple maker and colors stars on her face
: StrongWilled Legna takes out the glitter that was just given to her and puts some glitter on Handy Pocket's face
: StrongWilled Legna skips on out of the room

Day 260 Year 4
Robin Mea browses in pockets

Day 260 Year 4
Robin Mea: oh well I'm always fooling around
Handy Pockets: I will save it if you browsed my pockets also Awiiya
*Awiiya*: Kets, I'm not quite feeling up to a story tonight.
Handy Pockets: that is fine
Robin Mea: awwww
*Awiiya*: *browses Ket's pockets* Oh... a... jelly bean.
Robin Mea: dont eat it!
Robin Mea: it will tast like pukes
*Awiiya*: Okay, you can have it.
Robin Mea: like in harry potter book
Robin Mea: ol
: *Awiiya* hands over
Robin Mea: lol
: *Awiiya* waters the Oak
: Robin Mea puts back in to handys pockets
Robin Mea: it wont harm there anyone

Day 275 Year 4
Rendril Revant: Hello Kets
Rendril Revant: Please excuse me *browses her pockets*
Handy Pockets: *laughs* . Did you find anything good.
Rendril Revant: Yes, I found...everything
Rendril Revant: Thank you
Handy Pockets: *thinks to herself* .Did you have a list?
Rendril Revant: No, but I have found to way to find them all
Handy Pockets: *still confused* . find all what?
Rendril Revant: Items
Handy Pockets: Hah, you are doing that quest. That is the most clever
way yet to get me to give you the list.
Rendril Revant: Kets, you have magical pockets

My first story  for the Oak
This is a good day, Oak seed.
The sun is warm, the air is fine and  you  get stronger everyday. 
The tiny ants that keep you company,  are busy with their work to keep the soil soft and  easy to grow in.
The thoughts and wishes of the people who walk by you on their way to or from the Archives, 
will soothe you and protect you as you grow.
It will take you many days, or months  to grow.
  Just know that you will be cared for and allowed room to grow.
 Spread your roots and send us your branches, reach for the sky, and know no fear. 
This is a good day, Oak seed.
A story of the Oak Tower
I sat at the Oak Tower today.  It is a whimsical place with a spiral turret that, perhaps, has more use than as an ornamental design. There are many windows to look out of maybe to see the water and Golemus.  The large drop down door  rests on the stone walk that leads to the path.  All of this and I do not know what is inside.  The field around the tower has many trees that make a wonderful shade for all who walk the path on their way to the Defensive Quarters. This is where you came from, an acorn fallen from one of the many Oaks.   I relaxed as I watch the many shades of the gray grass dancing  in the slight breeze, a breeze that cools me from the long hot sunny days.  Now you are here in this field of MDA land. Where many people walk by and talk of the Archives and the Gardens.  The Head Contest is now on everyone’s mind.  You will find this is a wonderful place to grow.  Spread your little leaves and grow to be a strong oak, like the ones at The Oak Tower.
Day 247
Guybrush Threepw.And the new groath.
Handy Pockets: nothing there from us.
Guybrush Threepw.: All it has is the fact that it's an actual clickable object with the ability to send people to new lands and a sign post explaining it.
Guybrush Threepw.: Poor Spruce and New Growth.
Handy Pockets: The new Growth is cool in it's own right. It is the Spruce that concerns me.
Guybrush Threepw.: I suppose.
Guybrush Threepw.: But it's a secret tree, maybe people shouldn't know about it.
Handy Pockets: Guy, I think you are right about the Spruce.
Guybrush Threepw.: I was just kinda being punny.
Handy Pockets: yes, but in all that pun fun , you have the perfect reason to keep it secret.
Guybrush Threepw.: Hmm, well even a broken clock is right twice a day I suppose.
Handy Pockets: *laughs* .

 Day 247
Lupinus: Hello Gate...
 : Lupinus poors some more of the home made green liquid for growth
Lupinus: I wish for...serenity...
Day 260 Year 4
Robin Mea browses in pockets
Day 287 Year 4
 Asterdai runs up and hands the mythical daisy to handy
memory gave me some seeds on Day 221
Day 330 Year 4
darrydabby: me too, im glad to see you. with a rose of flowers---@
Rendril presented to me a green pendant Rendril Revant gives an emerald pendant to Handy Pockets

Day 66 Year 6
oldwolf: *holds out a small arrow head with a blue flower engraved in it* mabey...umm here for you

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Some of my creatures
jealousy Angien Rustgold Madhorn Vatrinka Mighty Timir Chieftain Angien Sentinel II Veles Master of Puppets Joon Majestic Winderwild

Poetry for the Willow

Willow's Poems

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Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.

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The Man He Killed

   Had he and I but met
   By some old ancient inn,
  We should have sat us down to wet
   Right many a nipperkin!

   But ranged as infantry,
   And staring face to face,
   I shot at him as he at me,
   And killed him in his place.

    I shot him dead because--
    Because he was my foe,
    Just so: my foe of course he was;
    That's clear enough; although

    He thought he'd 'list, perhaps,
    Off-hand-like--just as I--
    Was out of work--had sold his traps--
    No other reason why.

    Yes; quaint and curious war is!
    You shoot a fellow down
    You'd treat, if met where any bar is,
    Or help to half-a-crown.

(Thomas Hardy 1840-1928)

 ~ Day: 327 Year: 4 ~

: Muratus del Mur - read announcements
: test
: damn, my global mic is broken..test 1,2,3 ..test *cough*
: oh my, i have height sick up here
: helooo world...ECHO...Echo ...echo....
: and i was saying those ... ah damn forgot mic open, wait i close it *chhhnk*
: gold i tell you , pure gold!. .. .. hey dont put the glass on that switch you will open the mic!
: chhhhnk
: *chhhnk*..and i told them to look b...*chhhnk* ... so they keep passing by and n...*chhhnk* .... hey get that cat from the control! *chhhnk*
: *chhnk* ...ne lets go, close everything, this .... *chnnnnk* ...not safe

You just aquired a Premium Edition MagicDuel Creature.

Main features of this creature are to boost all Drachorns, Counter freeze ability, Scare level 1 creaturs making them to have just 20 percent power and attack but double defence and even freeze enemy creatures. These abilities come at upgraded levels of the creature.

Its power greatly increases over the upgrade levels and will eventualy become a extreamly powerfull creature.

This creature can be upgraded 5 levels, featuring premium artworks at each level.


Awiiya: (I am trying to see what's wrong with teh item)
Awiiya: It's good you give the items away
Awiiya: The more the merrier
Awiiya: hello!
Handy Pockets: or I am sorry, I was reading the forum
Handy Pockets: Yes, It is funny how the ones I find to give item too, they question why I am doing it.
Awiiya: Definitely on their side with the item.
Awiiya: Nothing I can do.
Handy Pockets: This will be a good time to learn patience then.
: Awiiya collects wiiya
Awiiya: It's happening with lots of my items actually
Handy Pockets: I am not so good at patience
Handy Pockets: Let me try out my poetry book.
Awiiya: (What browser are you in?)

Page 301 - The Inner Sun - Iam. Noo.
While running on the dark corridors, suddenly he sees someone walking slowly across one of them "Who is there?! Anyone? ..No one?" , No one steps closer "What ? where am i? who are you? oh .. Bored, where are we?", "I think its a corridor of the arhives, last thing i remember is that i was telling everybody about some documents i found..then..here" ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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